25 February 2010

Bila Anes Gelabah

Dibebel oleh aneszailani pada 10:12 PM
4 minggu menjelang VIVA..Apakah VIVA? Bukan kereta keluaran Perodua tu yek..
Menurut Kamus Dwibahasa Oxford Fajar Edisi Keempat : VIVA bermaksud PEPERIKSAAN LISAN..

Kurang jelas? Rilex..Bawa bertenang..Jangan gelabah macam anes..Sila teruskan pembacaan.. 

2 minggu menjelang submission of PSM II report..Apakah PSM?? Tiada kaitan sama sekali dengan gejala PMS apatah lagi SPM..
Ianya merupakan salah satu syarat untuk membolehkan anda bergraduasi yakni Projek Sangat Menyusahkan Projek Sarjana Muda..

OK..Dah nampak tak perkaitan antara keduanya? Tak nampak jugak?? Takpe..Cekgu memang penyabar suka explain banyak² kali..

VIVA adalah pembentangan laporan Projek Sarjana Muda a.k.a PSM di hadapan panel penilai yang akan menghentam menyoal anda sekaligus mengutuk menilai projek yang telah anda usahakan setengah mati selama setahun itu...

Dah faham?? Bagus..Pelajar cekgu memang bijak pandai sumenye..

2 weeks left for PSM submission and U will have VIVA in 4 weeks time yet U still playing around?? 
Anes!! Toksah dok poyo nak speaking..huduh sungguh..cakap melayu je sudeh..kau tu jawa okeh!!

Sila abaikan penggunaan tatabahasa serta penyusunan ayat..Dah lama tak blajo English Language..haha~

OK..Sesungguhnya di saat ini aku sangat gelabah..Sungguh ni..Aku tak tipu..Adoi..Mampu ke aku grad kalo gini ropenye?? PSM tunggang langgang..Data blom abes collect..Nak analyze apatah lagi..Tu belum proses diskusi..Nak mengarang satu hal lagi..Alahai..
Pening tak?? Ke aku sorang je yang pening ngan benda alah ni??
Tu belum masuk esaimen yang laen²..Dengan test lagik..OK cukup..Lagi banyak aku fikir, lagi aku bertambah serabut..
Tapi bila aku tak fikir, maka keje aku pon langsung tak jalan..Sume aku tak pandang..Buat tak nampak je kat buku yang bertingkat kat sebelah ni..haha

Bila aku tak layan sume buku² itu, maka mula la aku nak merepek..Dan aku pon buat la mende alah ni yang mana aku telah ditag oleh cik nfahk..

BOLD the statements that are TRUE to you. ITALICIZE the statements that you WISH were true. LEAVE the FIBS alone. Then, tag 5 people to do the same test.

I’m 170cm tall.

I don’t know what I want at the moment.

I’m not happy.

I hate my friends.

I hate my life.

I hate my grades.

I can drive.

I’m bored of driving.

I have a white handbag.

I love dancing.

I go clubbing every week.

Shopping is bullshit.

I have a tattoo of a star.

I got my navel pierced.

I have friends that take drugs.

90% of my friends smoke.

I still hang out with my ex, even though our break up was rather nasty.

I’m studying Fashion.

I have a business running.

I hate cartoons

I hate someone.

I have 10 Lollipops handbags.

I buy CLEO every month.

My parents don’t know about my blog.

I have an iPod.

I don’t have faith in the current “one”.

My school mates know about my blog.

I wanted to be a fashion designer.

I love rock emo bands.

I hate it when people cancel last minute meet ups.

I’m a rebel.

I don’t believe in love.

High school's filled with drama.

My parents have faith in me.

I’ve bought shoes this month.

A blogger bitched about me before.

I hate sports.

I heart Italian food.

I hate meeting new people.

I hate nail polish.

The mother bear gives me hugs.

People should start appreciating me.

High school was the worst time of my life.

I have red hair.

One Utama is my second home.

I’m a guy.

I’m scared of my Biology exam which I’m going to face tomorrow.

I hate vacations.

We’ll last :)

I believe in long distance relationships.

I’m going to get high and smoke weed one day soon.

I’ve robbed an old lady.

I’m starting to like applying make-up.

I was a tomboy.

At times I think I still am a tomboy.

I love bitching about people behind their backs

I still have a best friend.

I have a cat.

I hate surprise parties.

I hate planning parties.

I’m hot. :P

I’m a sinner.

I’ve got a DS light.

I have a Wii.

I cant live without music.

Video games are a waste of time.

I miss the father bear.

I love being in love.

I know how to cook.  
erk..tau sket je bleh consider tak?? haha

I have 100% freedom.

Boys are assholes.

I hate Math.

I’m happy with what I have

I love horror films.

I slept in my parents’ room for 3 days after watching Scream when I was a kid.

My old friends keep in touch with me.

I don’t read newspapers.

The news is such a waste of time.

Blogging is a waste of time.

I hate animals.

I can’t live without make-up.

I curse like a pirate.

I’m happy with my 11 year old car.

I hate people that are smart.

I love Orange juice.

I can’t drink for nuts.

I believe that everyone in their teens have lost their virginity.

I’ve got a new phone.

I’m going to get a new pair of shoes by the end of this month.

I love swimming.

I haven’t worked out since March.

I think I’m fat

I love my friends and family

So saya rasa mahu tag orang² ini...Kepada mereka² yang ditag, kalo korang rajen nak merepek korang buat la..Kalo takmau pon takpe..Aku bukan kesah pon..haha

OK..Wakil SPJ ada, SPA ada, SPE pon ada..Takmau gadoh² yekk..Aku sayang sume..haha

Skali lagi keje aku tak jalan malam ni..haiihhh

5 Yang Memberontak on "Bila Anes Gelabah"

TeRRoRRiZZ on February 26, 2010 at 6:28 PM said...

tak suke psm..........

♛ LORD ZARA 札拉 ♛ on February 26, 2010 at 7:15 PM said...

Viva terbaik!

aku suka~

penat nak mati, guling2 buat PSM, masanya untuk muntahkan depan semua panel


aneszailani on February 27, 2010 at 3:27 AM said...

@tero : uaaa..aku pon tak suka jugakk

@zara : bila la agaknye nk lepas sgala beban ni..alahaii~~

Unknown on March 2, 2010 at 3:51 PM said...

rilex laa,,

contohi aku,,LoL..

ak br perasan ada tag d ctu..

i take it =]

aneszailani on March 2, 2010 at 5:57 PM said...

semakin cuak dan cuak dan cuakkk~~

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